Sunday, September 21, 2014

#7. Primary or intermediate vaccine storage facility showing vaccines in storage (HANA)

vaccine storage in primary health care center


  1. Dear Mohamed, thanks for posting this. However, the item you quote is "primary or intermediate vaccine storage facility" which is a depot. The picture you post is from a primary health centre which is a service point. In this sense, the picture does not match with the title. I see 2 temperature monitoring devices (logtag and dial thermometer), which the picture could be for #11, but the requirement is to see at least one VVM. Since your picture is too small, it gets too blurry when I blow it up and cannot tell whether there are any VVMs seen. Thanks anyway. Umit

    1. Dearu Umit this picture is from me Hana not from Mohammad

    2. I apologize... I corrected the title that the posting is from you. But, you need to explain whether there are any VVMs seen in the picture. If yes, then this would be a picture of #11. Also, next time, please write a bit longer about the photo, more than just a description of the place. Thanks, UMIT

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